Sabtu, 26 April 2014

PDF⋙ Flute Sound Effects: Beatboxing, Circular Breathing, Fourth-Octave Playing, and much more by Ueli Dorig

Flute Sound Effects: Beatboxing, Circular Breathing, Fourth-Octave Playing, and much more by Ueli Dorig

Flute Sound Effects: Beatboxing, Circular Breathing, Fourth-Octave Playing, and much more

Flute Sound Effects: Beatboxing, Circular Breathing, Fourth-Octave Playing, and much more by Ueli Dorig PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

(Berklee Guide). Add unique flute sounds to your palette of colors. The flute is capable of a great range of sounds: buzzing and whistling, clicking and growling, and much more! This book shows you how to do dozens of different inventive effects, with etudes that put them in a musical context. The accompanying online recordings provide play-along tracks for the etudes and examples of each sound effect in isolation. With this book you'll learn to: Perform essential advanced flute techniques such as circular breathing, fourth-octave playing, and beatboxing; Use percussive techniques, such as tongue/lip pizzicato, clicks, and finger slaps; Explore sounds unique to isolating the mouthpiece; Master alternate fingerings and different types of vibrato; Create hybrid instruments such as the flunette, flax, and flumpet. Play pitch bends, harmonics, as well as wind and jet-whistle sounds; Sing and whistle while playing; Create electronic sounds and produce low B's; and more!

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Flute Sound Effects: Beatboxing, Circular Breathing, Fourth-Octave Playing, and much more by Ueli Dorig EPub

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