Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Ibadan: The Penkelemes Years - A Memoir, 1945-67 by Wole Soyinda

Ibadan: The Penkelemes Years - A Memoir, 1945-67 by Wole Soyinda

Ibadan: The Penkelemes Years - A Memoir, 1945-67

Ibadan: The Penkelemes Years - A Memoir, 1945-67 by Wole Soyinda PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is a sequel to Nobel Prize-winner Wole Soyinka's previous volumes of autobiography, "Ake" and "Isara". It tells the story of Maren, Soyinka's alter ego, as he moves from schooldays in Ibadan to student days in Leeds, stints as a play reader in London, an abortive attempt to become a cafe singer in Paris, travels to other parts of the world, and finally a post as research fellow in drama back in Ibadan. Throughout all his travels he becomes increasingly antagonistic to the corrupt authorities, opposing them firstly through writing and then by direct action.

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