Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ The Japan diaries of Richard Gordon Smith by Richard Gordon Smith

The Japan diaries of Richard Gordon Smith by Richard Gordon Smith

The Japan diaries of Richard Gordon Smith

The Japan diaries of Richard Gordon Smith by Richard Gordon Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The diaries of Richard Gordon Smith, an Edwardian explorer, naturalist and sportsman, are a fascinating personal record of the forty years he spent traveling throughout the world. With an unbound sense of adventure and curiosity, his journeys took him from the wilds of Quebec, to the exotic beauty of Burma, Ceylon and Singapore to Shanghai Korea and finally Japan, a country for which he formed a lasting passion.

Wonderfully illustrated with paintings and drawings which he commissioned and with beautiful historic hand-tinted photographs, this book brings the past to life in a marvelous picture of a vanished world.

Includes index.

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