Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Seriously? You're Gonna Name Your Kid Shakespeare Dinner? Why Play With Food? by Joel Martin Kohn

Seriously? You're Gonna Name Your Kid Shakespeare Dinner? Why Play With Food? by Joel Martin Kohn

Seriously? You're Gonna Name Your Kid Shakespeare Dinner? Why Play With Food?

Seriously? You're Gonna Name Your Kid Shakespeare Dinner? Why Play With Food? by Joel Martin Kohn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is the third volume of "Seriously? You're Gonna Name Your Kid?" baby name punny one-liners. Names, monikers, shout-outs, whosits, whatsisnames and more. This is another book of hilarious, outrageous, unique baby boy names and baby girl names parents should never give their kids, and the comical reactions one might have to them. Written as a one-sided dialogue rhetorically questioning the over 300 bizarre names proposed by fictitious parents for their offspring. Jokes, puns, double entendres, bon mots, amphibolies and silliness galore. You'll groan, laugh, smirk, chortle, titter, guffaw, bust a gut, tickle your funny bone and wonder: How'd you get that name?! Includes reader submissions. The author invites reader contributions. Send him your Seriously? jokes. The best jokes will be cited with your name. Now go out there and call people names! Or get called one yourself! This book makes a great gift for birthdays, showers, pregnancies, childbirths, anniversaries, holidays and every day! This book covers topics including humorous puns & jokes, one-liners, children's names, baby boys names, baby girls names, comedy nicknames, parenting, maternity, paternity, parenthood and so much more!

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