Selasa, 25 November 2014

PDF⋙ 98 Wounds by Justin Chin

98 Wounds by Justin Chin

98 Wounds

98 Wounds by Justin Chin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"A gay, punk-rock Chinese American in the age of AIDS, Chin confronts all manner of hypocrisy."—San Francisco Chronicle

Through intertwined short stories, 98 Wounds dissects the inexorable dualities present in every moment that matters: pleasure and pain, contentment and longing, mercy and brutality, living and dying. In between all this, solace, understanding, and occasional regret — if not resolution — can be found. 98 Wounds takes the reader on a defiant road trip beset with contrition potholes and agitation detours to a place where absurdity and horror feed on each other. In 98 Wounds, either we are all damned, or we are all saved: a sentiment that speaks to all cultures in these uncertain times.

Award-winning writer Justin Chin is the author of six books, including Bite Hard (Manic D Press) and Mongrel (St. Martin's Press). His works have been widely anthologized. Born in Malaysia, raised and educated in Singapore, shipped to the United States by way of Hawaii, he currently lives in San Francisco, California.

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