Minggu, 02 November 2014

PDF⋙ The Canal Guide: Britain's 50 Best Canals by Stuart Fisher

The Canal Guide: Britain's 50 Best Canals by Stuart Fisher

The Canal Guide: Britain's 50 Best Canals

The Canal Guide: Britain's 50 Best Canals by Stuart Fisher PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This attractive guidebook shows off just how rich our waterways heritage is. Picking out Britain's 50 most beautiful and interesting canals, Stuart Fisher gives a lively background to the history, wildlife, pubs and nearby attractions of each waterway. Each of the 50 chapters also features a map, colour photographs and a handy info box. Through the beautiful cities of London, Bath and Oxford, traversing stunning countryside and national parks, and exploring some of the best Victorian engineering and industry, this book is an inspiring and thoroughly enjoyable read, as well as a perfect resource for anyone thinking about a day out or holiday along Britain's wonderful canals.

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