300 Best Bread Machine Recipes by Donna Washburn, Heather Butt
300 Best Bread Machine Recipes by Donna Washburn, Heather Butt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The ultimate bread machine recipes.
Because bread machines are more popular than ever, we have revised our best-selling bread machine book with 50 new recipes. From traditional favorites to innovative recipes that reflect today's tastes, this ultimate collection provides 300 recipes for one of life's great pleasures: home-baked bread.
Here are just a few of the delicious new recipes:
Each recipe accommodates 1 1/2-pound and 2-pound machines, and there are recipes for other foods that can be made in a bread machine, such as pasta, cakes and cookies.
Well-developed and tested recipes along with handy glossaries of baking terms and tons of tips and techniques enable the home chef to make perfect bread every time.
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