Rabu, 09 September 2015

PDF⋙ Legal Communications Workbook for the California Paralegal by LW Greenberg Esq.

Legal Communications Workbook for the California Paralegal by LW Greenberg Esq.

Legal Communications Workbook for the California Paralegal

Legal Communications Workbook for the California Paralegal by LW Greenberg Esq. PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This workbook begins by discussing paralegal ethics and then vocabulary words, both legal and Latin words. After that the court system, both California and the U.S., are covered. There is a chapter on how to write business letters that explains in a step by step process. Additionally, there are chapters discussing how to IRAC, how to perform legal research and how to write legal memos. The chapter that discusses contracts provides California contract law and actual contracts to analyze. The last chapter discusses discovery and includes a complete deposition to summarize. All chapters include educational exercises to give the paralegal actual experience drafting the documents discussed. A mythical client scenario provides the information to complete all of the educational exercises. This workbook is California specific and covers many topics that will prepare paralegals for the many and varied jobs that paralegals perform in a law firm. An absolutely great teaching tool that every paralegal should work through!

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Legal Communications Workbook for the California Paralegal by LW Greenberg Esq. Doc

Legal Communications Workbook for the California Paralegal by LW Greenberg Esq. Mobipocket
Legal Communications Workbook for the California Paralegal by LW Greenberg Esq. EPub

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